Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday is finally here, my last chemo treatment! Yesterday I had my pre op for my Internal Radiation treatment. I found out my tumor is about 40% smaller, so the treatments are working. I just have to hang in there a little longer. To tell you the truth on Monday I was ready to quit. I just did not think I could go any further. I was so tired with no energy. Getting dress was even difficult. Tuesday was alot better.

I am trying to get myself ready for my hospital stay next week. I have to go in at midnight and have surgery to implant the interal radiation and will be there for 2 days laying flat with my head only up at a 45% angle. No visitors allowed. I will be able to talk on the phone and I am taking my laptop. I don't know what else to bring to keep me busy. Sure am going to miss my little man.

One thing I have learned out of all this is to trust God, there is nothing I can do at all. When you go thru something like this you have choices on how you are going to handle it. I have learned there are things in life we cannot control and it is so much better to let someone more qualified handle it on your behalf. I just do what I am told and trust. I know He holds the future. I don't know what or how I would get thru this if I did not have Christ as my personal Savior.

My outlook on everything and everyone has changed. I do know we need more compassion for one another. Remember not to be so hateful or short with one another. Give people the benefit of the doubt you never know what that person is going thru. A little kindness goes further than one could even imagine. If Christ be in us we have all the power in the world to love and we are commanded to love others as Christ loves us. (A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. John 13:34)

I pray you all have a super blessed day and that my chemo goes well today with no reactions.

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