Saturday, October 22, 2011

Today a day I have to pick myself up

Everyone that knows me knows I am a very positive person, but every now and again I have a day that I have to pick myself up. Usually I notice I am get like this when I am getting sick or just tired. Which it could very well be a combination of the two. Since the 3 grandbabies have come to live with us I don't get much sleep at night. They generally wake up around 3 in the morning. Today, my husband got up with them and cooked them breakfast so I did get to sleep in a bit this morninig. Today is one of the days I wake up in pain and it is slow to get started.

I start to think of all my dreams, goals, etc and now they are so different from before I was diagnosed with cancer. I have found it very difficult to pursue anything like I have done before except now to just live and see my youngest son grow up. Cancer does so much to a person, it robs them of everything. The only good thing that has come out of this is knowing that everything here on earth is temporary. Life is a precious gift we need to enjoy now. We should never assume we have all the time in the world, are time is NOW.

I am so thankful that I have made it thru all the treatments and am here now. Just when ever you go in for that follow up appointment and have to wait for the results knowing the test might not have picked up everything weighs heavy on your mind.

Just finished fixing lunch for the little ones. Going to organize my coupons and go to the store. Boy, that will get my mind off everything.

Get out and enjoy your day, pick your battles. In the end is it really worth getting upset over or is it better to take your loved ones in your arms and enjoy the time you have with them. Anger will also rob you. Don't let it still you days away.

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